Masterclass & transmission: THE DARK MASCULINE
There is a power that the world – that we as women – need so much, that we truly long for.
It can feel intense, almost overwhelming, to feel this longing, this need to be found and taken by HIM.
From. Exactly. This/His. Power.
Most women are not aware of it – although they feel it deep within their body, in their womb.
Many condemn it and place their demands on it: “You can’t do that” or “I won’t let that happen to me” or “I want it differently.”
Others simply feel fear.
Most women suppress what HE triggers in them.
And how much they long to be TAKEN by HIM.
But without HIM and precisely this power, we are defenseless, we feel at the mercy of – not only our our husband, whose leadership and protection we do not fully accept – but of the world, of everything.
As a result, we take over and fight ourselves, becoming hardened and eventually collapsing – exhausted and frustrated.
Then we dream of HIM, we long for HIM more and more.
We need HIM.
HE is not a very special man.
HE is in every man.
And yet HE is a rare man.
The Dark Masculine is not the shadow, nor is it the socially-named evil or hurt or toxic masculine.
AND the Dark Masculine carries the energy of danger.
Only when you really feel what this energy triggers IN YOU and can allow the depth in your body – then the energetic dance begins to work.
Only then you are able to feel through the condemnation and the fear your true feelings of excitement, arousal, gratitude, desire, devotion, safety, security, deep appreciation and respect.
You opening yourself to the dark primal masculine energy is your invitation to it.
You don’t have to «do» anything.
You don’t manifest.
You don’t manipulate.
You. Are. Opening.
You are allowing.
Because you feel it.
And because you feel your deep need for it, for HIM.
The Dark Masculine – the transmission/masterclass
Without long explanations for your mind, you will be able to receive the depth of my transmission through your body and through your feelings – absorbing words, sound, vibration – receiving the energy into your entire body and let it resonate.
You are invited to feel. To feel very deeply.
I will open you up. And you will be able to feel.
I will share. And you, as a feeling woman, will be allowed to fall – to dive deeper and deeper.