How often do you look to others and you start to compare yourself to…
How they live, what they have…
How is this possible for them?
And what do I have to do so that I can have/be/experience that?
You know, I understand and I truly feel you.
And I desire to tell you, it starts somewhere completely different 😉
In invite you to embark on a journey with me…
This journey takes you to a very special place – a long forgotten place, but it has always been there.
Our joined path will take you into a beautiful world, into a magnificent enchanted garden with blooming flowers just waiting to be recognized and loved by you.
This journey takes you home. Back home into your heart and womb.
Your longings, your desires become palpable, feelable – finally within reach, you begin to merge with them and to embody them.
In invite you to discover her, to feel her, to recognize and experience her:
🌹 The woman of your dreams
🌹 The woman you are in Truth
🌹 She who embodies what you are constantly looking for on the outside
🌹 She who lives what you desire so much
The woman of your dreams holds the keys.
Because she carries the codes in her body and on our journey together you will merge with her.
You carry the codes in your body.
Everything you long for is already present as seeds in your heart.
And now we will nurture and care for them, let the little plants grow so that they can bloom and ooze their fragrance and bear the most beautiful fruits.
❌ You don’t need any more knowledge (for your mental comfort zone)
❌ You don’t need any more social media snacks (for your physical and emotional comfort zone)
❤️🔥 You need to feel, to express and experience your desires
❤️🔥 You feel the desire to be seen, recognized and felt – completely
❤️🔥 You feel the deep desire and the need to be guided by me
Because a 1:1 mentoring with me is one of the most powerful opportunities you can gift yourself.
I see you, I feel you, I recognize you and I guide you daily for the desired period of time in recognizing yourself, feeling very deeply and expressing yourself in your life as your true essence.
I guide you lovingly in being truly FEELABLE and therefore recognizable. First and foremost, to you and then of course also in your experience with other people.
Instead of judging women in your environment and on social media, upgrading or devaluing them and thereby devaluing yourself internally, you’ll learn to allow your desires and to own them. Bringing them back home where they belong and where they can truly thrive and blossom.
You merge with your essence – the truth of who you really are.
Becoming the woman of your dreams
– Luscious Taste –
You’ll receive:
4 weeks with me and with:
💝 3 private 1:1-sessions à 2 hours (including your ultra-potent personal essence)
💝 private 1:1 fb-group for invigorating and potent daily practices
💝 weekly check-in via messenger/telegram for support
💝 A luxurious gift / treasure package at the end
CHF 4’120.–
(Pay In Full)
Becoming the woman of your dreams
– Deep Homecoming –
You’ll receive:
12 weeks with me and with:
💝 6 private 1:1-sessions à 2 hours (including your ultra-potent personal essence)
💝 private 1:1 fb-group for invigorating and potent daily practices
💝 feelbacks via messenger/telegram for deepening & support
💝 A luxurious gift / treasure package at the end (including a marvelous dress especially for you)
CHF 8’555.–
(Payment plan available)
– Exclusive and limited availability –
You can book your spot until February 25th 2025
If you desire to be found by your man:
Become the woman of your dreams so that he will find and recognize you.
If you are in a relationship: